
eTextEdit is a GUI text editor for Mac OS X. It’s a Cocoa application and is based on the Cocoa text system. This gives it some limitations, but on the other hand it provides some powerful features for free.

eTextEdit is distributed under a BSD like license, though I haven’t had time to clean up the source code to make it available for download.


eTextEdit up to version 0.6 or development version until version 85 is compiled for Mac OS X 10.3.9 and newer. eTextEdit is also compatible to Rosetta.

Versions after development version 85 are Universal Binaries for Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) and run natively on Intel Macs.

Getting eTextEdit

The newest release is Version 0.6: eTextEdit-0.6.dmg (318kb)

There is also a development version available: eTextEdit.dmg

The newest development version for Mac OS X 10.3.9 is: eTextEdit-v85.dmg (560kb)